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InfoMac 11-227
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Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 10:39:17 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #227
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Thu, 18 Nov 93 Volume 11 : Issue 227
Today's Topics:
[*] ClarisWorks macros
[*] DropText 1.3
[*] Frank Black
[*] game/war/bolo - CookMapper 1.5c.1
[*] jamoria-10d.hqx
[*] Planet in Color
[*] robowar-decompiler.hqx
[*] submission
[Q] dorks at MacUser USA ?
After Dark
A modem Question
Apple II
AppleScript available for free ?
A PPP, SLIP, TCP/IP question (?!)
a stupid hypercard question
a stupid hypercard question-the sequel
Calendar scheduling software?
centris610 and ehthernet card
Color-It! Product Support
DeskWriter/HP PrintMonitor Question
DiskExpress II/DiskCheck Crash
Email access to comp.sys.ma
EtherNet Cards
Files from AOL->Internet
Folder From Hell
How to compute CRC?
How to learn DAL?
Info-Mac Digest V11 #224
Info-Mac Digest V11 #226
Laserwriter Printing Problem
LW 8.1.1 & IIsi
Mac Curve Fit
MacTCP and wierd subnet mask (R)
MacUser/Macworld/MacWEEK indexes
Naming LC475 Hard Drive (A)
Offline Newsreader for the Mac?
preparing a mac for sale
Preparing a Mac for sale (A)
Preparing Mac for sale (R)
Quicken updates (R)
Quicken update to v.4
Quicktime Algorithm Description
Serial port tool (Q)
StyleWriter I with StyleWriter II cartridge?
Sumex down?
The Archivist version 4.1
Utilities to make Apple Menu hierarchical
Windows off the screen
z-modem tool
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 11:06 EST
From: DAVE@unirel.a1.clemson.edu
Subject: [*] ClarisWorks macros
From: NAME: David J. Crockett
FUNC: News Services
TEL: 656-3859 <DAVE AT A1 AT UNIREL>
To: in%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@mrgate
Attached is a binhexed CompactPro archive of some helpful keyboard
macros I created for use with ClarisWorks 2.0's VT102 communications
Hope these are helpful to anyone using ClarisWorks for communications.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/claris-works-macros.hqx; 6K]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 12:34:07 -0500
From: jarezina@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jasna M. Arezina-Wilson)
Subject: [*] DropText 1.3
About Drop Text 1.3:
This is a drag-and-drop text file converter. It can convert between
Mac, Unix, and MS-DOS files, and can convert AppleWorks AWP files
into text. It has lots of nice features and safty checks, and can
convert more than one type into the target type at a time
(ex: Mac and Dos into Unix).
Packed with StuffIt; docs included; source code available (just ask).
Please note:
all email will be forwarded to the author.
Stuff new with this version (1.3):
* Updates Finder info faster.
* Converts AppleWorks Word Processor files to text.
* Allows optional stripping of the high bit of text.
* Dialog fixes.
[Archived as /info-mac/text/drop-text-13.hqx; 33K]
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 93 13:32:08 PST
From: gurgle@netcom.com (Pete Gontier)
Subject: [*] Frank Black
Enclosed please find a minmalist screen-saver similar to good old
Dimmer -- this new saver merely turns down the intensity of an RGB
screen using the Gamma Fade libraries recently posted to sumex. It is
so minimalist that the user cannot (yet) adjust the sleep time (30
minutes) or the sleep-now corner (upper left).
Following: Frank_Black_1.0d2.sit.hqx
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/frank-black-10d2.hqx; 8K]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 17:50:30 EST
From: John McLaughlin <borric@cairo.anu.edu.au>
Subject: [*] game/war/bolo - CookMapper 1.5c.1
Cookmapper is a random map making utility for the macintosh network game
Cookmapper wont crash machines that don't have colour quickdraw anymore.
cheers, borric
[Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo/cook-mapper-15c1.hqx; 41K]
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 23:01:18 -0800
From: Magdaleno <cooljohn@leland.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: [*] jamoria-10d.hqx
Several people have emailed me about my version of
MacMoria 5.5 which includes outdoor adventures, rivers,
multiple towns, and multiple dungeons. The game
exists only in a "pre-release" version as of right now,
but it works and there shouldn't be any bugs.
If there are, please notify me at:
-John Magdaleno
P.S. The official release will be available the beginning of
[Archived as /info-mac/game/jamoria-10d.hqx; 274K]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 13:44:19 +0100
From: Lars Gislen <larsg@thep.lu.se>
Subject: [*] Planet in Color
Dear Netters,
Here is PlanetC 5.0, an application for studying the visible planets, the moon
and the sun as well as eclipses and transits. This application already exists
the achives but PlanetC 5.0 is in color! PlanetC 5.0 needs a color monitor and
I am sorry- a math coprocessor. Please leave the non-color version Planet 5.0
the archives. I am grateful for bug reports and other comments.
Lars Gislen, Dept. of Theoretical Physics, Lund University, SWEDEN
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/planet-c-50.hqx; 97K]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 08:40:54 -0500
From: jgfoot@minerva.cis.yale.edu (Josh A. Goldfoot)
Subject: [*] robowar-decompiler.hqx
RoboWar Decompiler
By Josh Goldfoot
This is an old hack I wrote that reads in RoboWar files (up to
version 2.3) and writes text files containing neatly-formatted
robot source code. It's an excellent way to learn how to write
robots for an excellent game.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/robo-war-decompiler.hqx; 16K]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 09:13:05 -0700 (MST)
From: Russ Pagenkopf <cs000rjp@selway.umt.edu>
Subject: [*] submission
This is a text file with good instructions on how to change the speed of your
mac by changing the clock speed of the timing crystal. Written by Marc
Schrier (schrier@garnet.berkeley.edu), and humbly submitted with permission by
Russ Pagenkopf (cs000rjp@selway.umt.edu). Enjoy!
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/changing-timing-crystal.hqx; 7K]
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 11:17:42 +0100
From: robk@stack.urc.tue.nl (Rob Kouwenberg)
Subject: [Q] dorks at MacUser USA ?
Hello there !
I am most angry at the subscription department of MacUser USA.
What's up then ? I use(-d) to be subscribed to this magazine. About two
months ago I received a mailing concerning whether to end or renew my
subscription. I replied with a letter that I indeed wanted to renew my
subscription and gave them full details to a visa account number. OK so
Then, approx. three weeks later a second mailing. Ok, I thought let's try
it again. I sent them a fax at the international subscription fax (
09-1-303-443-5080 from the Netherlands ) AND sent them three email messages
as to point them to my fax. The result :as from the november issue the
address label says MAR 95 instead of the previous MAR 94. No replies from
the e-mails BTW. I'd guessed that the problem was gotten rid of.
Wow ! This morning a third mailing concerning that they did indeed get my
renewal, but no payment. Strange... As far as I'm concerned the first snail
mail message and the FAX both had full visa account info and other stuff.
I don't know about the rest of MacUser, but as far as I'm concerned they suck
Totally bewildered, greetings, Rob Kouwenberg
PS And I didn't even write anything about their ziffnet policy .. Why not
make info-mac NOT available to pay-per-download services ?
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 12:40:39 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: After Dark
The TigerSoftware catalog dated December 1993 ('Special Macintosh Holiday
') advertises "After Dark 2.0, the new release" and goes on to describe
like "...a great new Hall of Mirrors, Swans, Wall-Zapper, and TRUE COLOR."
I know TigerSoftware is not the most dependable or accurate (for instance, in
he same page, they used a photo of After Dark for DOS to illustrate More
Dark), but what's the deal?
As I understand it, the most current version is 2.0x, released quite a while
o. What gives? Has anyone heard of/seen these new modules?
TIA for your help,
Adriane Moser amoser@ccvm.sunysb.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 20:25:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: A modem Question
Sorry to bug, but:
Does anybody know if that MacWarehouse El Cheapo $99 14400 Modem is compatible
with the SupraFAXModem V.32bis? We got the supra at work, and was wondering
if I got the $99 special, could I do an ARA connection that would give me
upwards of 14400bps? Does the $99 modem support MNP protocols for 14400+
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 00:45 EST
From: COTTRELL@vms.cis.pitt.edu
Subject: Apple II
Lost amidst the hoopla of COMDEX's introductions is a most notable deletion.
The new Apple price sheets note that the venerable IIe is no longer sold.
I felt that its passing should not go unnoticed.
Joe Cottrell cottrell@vms.cis.pitt.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 16:41:54 +0200
From: dittmer@fokus.uke.uni-hamburg.de (Ulf Dittmer)
Subject: AppleScript available for free ?
Hi netters,
is the AppleScript package (or extension or whatever it is) available
for free somewhere ? I know that it comes with System 7 Pro and also
on a disk accompanying some book about AppleScript but I don't need
these. Does AppleScript work with 'standard' System 7.1 ?
Many TIA for any help you can supply. Greetings,
Ulf (dittmer@uke.uni-hamburg.de)
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 20:12:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: A PPP, SLIP, TCP/IP question (?!)
Hello all:
I have no idea what the list of acronyms means, but I see them all the time,
and a little while ago I was looking on the DEC server 100 I dial into
(the help files) and you guessed it! Acronym city!! I know I'll probably
regret this, but can someone tell me a good source of information for all
those goodies?! All the gory details, please...
Thanx a megabyte.
Date: 17 Nov 1993 16:08:06 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: a stupid hypercard question
I have been trying to use the Mac to Vax hypercard stack recently uploaded
to the archives. However, my version 2.0.2 (?) HC seems to be lacking some
commands as I get the "cannot understand 'set' command" dialog.
I imagine that I need version 2.1 of HC, nez pas? Can one upgrade or must
one pay the $99 for the new package?
Date: 18 Nov 1993 08:01:59 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: a stupid hypercard question-the sequel
Eureka! I have three or four sets of original system disks around here and
finally looked at the set that came with my PB100--there was a shrinkwrapped
HC 2.1.
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 12:24:26 PST
From: "Mark Allen" <maa@mercu1.gps.caltech.edu>
Subject: Calendar scheduling software?
I'm seeking recommendations for software (commercial, shareware, public
domain) to keep track of upcoming events and things to do by certain dates.
What I'm looking for in particular are programs that allow me to enter
action items tied to specific dates. Then when I startup on the date of an
item, or if not on that date then the first date thereafter, a display would
come up with the appropriate reminder notice. Also if I don't clear that
item, then each time I startup thereafter I am again reminded of the pending
action item. This is sort of a continuing reminder of what's in my "in-box".
Standard reminders of meetings would be OK also. Does any software exist
that can handle the specific needs I've outlined?
Thanks ahead of time for any inputs sent to me.
Mark Allen
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 21:10:26 EST
From: jakesog@aol.com
Subject: centris610 and ehthernet card
I bought a Centris610 with a built-in ethernet card. But I am using the
computer at home. So any suggestion of how the ethernet card can be put to
good use?
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 20:23:56 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark Vellek <mvellek@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: Color-It! Product Support
Caveat emptor...
Well, I called in my $8.72 order for my "free" copy of Color-It! from
MicroFontier and received my disk yesterday. I should have known better
when the back of the floppy holder reads:
3. Warranties. The product is provided "as is" without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. Blah, blah, blah.
I put the disk in my computer, double-click the self-install icon, go
through the four dialog boxes only to have the program abort with a -36
disk error, and then it proceeds to grind away on my floppy drive for two
minutes before I get fed up and hit Cmd-cntl-shft-esc, click on <Force
Quit> and it won't - I have to reboot my machine.
I call the number listed in the install file again, only to be told that I
have to call a toll number in order to get customer service, but they'd be
glad to ship me out another copy, as long as I pay for it. "But I already
did," I reply to deaf ears and uncaringness (try making up a word like
that several times a day). I ask for a supervisor - "I'll take your number
and have them call you back." Yeah, right, and the check is in the mail.
Any other disgruntled "customers" out there? If this is customer service,
thank goodness they got less than $10 from me. I've gotten better service
from shareware.
Mark Vellek
Columbia, MO (whereisthat?)
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 18:10:45 -0500
From: ag311@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Carol Conti-Entin)
Subject: DeskWriter/HP PrintMonitor Question
A nonprofit organization to which I donate my computing skills has an old
DeskWriter that came with driver version 2.0. That worked fine with Macs
running System 6.0.x, but when it was moved to their Classic II running
System 7.0.1 (tuned up), it kept quitting with DTR handshaking errors
until we started using driver version 3.1. (They can't use an even newer
driver because most of their software is too old, and they can't afford to
upgrade so much software just to gain compatibility with a printer driver.)
Driver 2.0 did not have HP PrintMonitor. Driver 3.1 does, and it's a
pain in the derriere. Can it simply be thrown away--will the 3.1 driver
work fine without it? Any other suggestions for restoring peace between
this DeskWriter and its current users? TIA!
Carol Conti-Entin 2878 Chadbourne Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120-2215
216-561-8720 Internet: ag311@cleveland.freenet.edu
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 12:20:12 -0600 (CST)
From: Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: DiskExpress II/DiskCheck Crash
Greetings and Salutations, all...
I just received my free copy of DiskExpress II (version 2.20) from
the recent advretising blitz. I like what I've used so far (the
background option beats the heck out of SpeedDisk!), but I have a
If I launch the included DiskCheck application with my extensions/
control panels turned on, the thing hangs up as it boots, then
flashes back to make the Finder active for some reason. A "Force
Quit" results in force quitting the Finder, a hang, and a required
reboot of the system.
I'm using System 7.1 and a lot of extensions/control panels. Does
anyone out there know of any DiskExpress-shareware extension conflicts?
If you want more info (like a list of my stuff) please e-mail me
directly. Thanks a lot...
Neil E. Mickelson
Date: 17 Nov 1993 10:10:51 -0800
From: "Greg" <Greg@macmen.wa.com>
Subject: Email access to comp.sys.ma
I have email only Internet access and subscribe to Info-Mac and Tidbits. Can I
interact with comp.sys.mac.programmer in the same way? If so, how?
Greg Schumacher <greg@macmen.wa.com>
Macintosh Minutemen
*Subject: Email access to comp.sys.mac.programmer?
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 11:54:56 EST
From: Charles.Patrick%NRC.CA@VM.NRC.CA
Subject: EtherNet Cards
I would like some advice and the benefit of experiences with the crop of
currently available EtherNet Cards and/or Adaptors.
By way of background:
We are a small LocalTalk network consisting of 4 SE30's and a Classic II, a
LaserWriter IIf, and Canon L770 Fax machine via NetSerial.
There is a reasonable prospect that we will replace the SE30's and the Classic
II by PowerPC's (but somewhat later than February, probably after the second
third wave of machines and supporting systems have appeared!). It is quite
likely that we will purchase the basic machine, which may well comes sans
EtherNet. Thus I would have a distinct preference for a device that would with
my current crop of machines and later with the PowerPC's.
Since the intention is to move everything off LocalTalk to the EtherNet
backbone, I would also have to adapt the L770's NetSerial connection. Any cost
effective suggestions? As I recall, the IIf is EtherNet savvy and should not
pose any problems (?!?)
TIA and Cheers.
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 09:28:48 -0600
From: DAVE@GERGO.TAMU.EDU (Dave Martin)
Subject: Files from AOL->Internet
photo@theporch.raider.net (David Anderson):
>>My brother has an AOL account, and I have only an Internet address.
>>He tried sending me a binhexed file by appending it to an e-mail;
>>unfortunately, while his e-mail got through to me, the appended
>>binhexed file did not. My question is, How does one send a bihexed
>>file from AOL to an Internet address? (I've successfully e-mailed
>>him binhexed files.) Thanks for your help.
>In the AOL software, he needs to do an "Attach File". This will
>automatically attach whatever file he specifies to the end of his email.
Unless this has changed (I don't believe it has--yet), attached files are
dropped from anything sent to internet addresses. This may change (if it
hasn't already) once the new Internet Center on AOL is fully functional.
Since they will then have full access to the newsgroups, mailing lists
(including Info-Mac), FTP, Gopher, WAIS, etc. I would assume that they
would also be able to 1) increase the size of incoming/outgoing messages
and 2) auto-binhex or auto-uuencode attachments that are sent to Internet
To the original poster: tell your brother to goto keyword Internet when
on AOL and check out the discussion and info sections there.
Date: 17 Nov 1993 13:15:54 -1000
Subject: Folder From Hell
The folder from hell is back, and I have since deleted my help file.
I did a Veronica search via Gopher, and it seems all the sites with
the info have dumped it to tape, and it's currently unavailable.
Could someone please send the file to me, or upload it again please??
For those of you who may be unaware, the "folder from hell" is an empty folder
(usually) in the trash that just won't go away. You can empty trash all day
long, but all you will get is a message "The item (name) could not be deleted,
because it contains items that are in use." Quite a quandry...
Thanks much, and keep on Macin'!
Aloha from Hawaii!!!
Date: 17 Nov 1993 10:07:11 -0800
From: "Greg" <Greg@macmen.wa.com>
Subject: How to compute CRC?
How do I compute the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) given the polynomial X^16 +
X^15 + X^2 + 1? I have instructions for computing CRC with a different
polynomial but I can't determine from the code what it is actually doing.
BTW - A hearty thank you to all who answered my question regarding finding my
app's data fork and customizing the GetFile dialog.
Greg Schumacher <greg@macmen.wa.com>
Macintosh Minutemen
*Subject: How to compute CRC?
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 10:39:12 -0500
From: by303@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jay L. Cross)
Subject: How to learn DAL?
Can someone point me towards a book or two that would help me
learn about DAL? I've got experience with HyperTalk, Basic,
and a little C, but I know nothing whatsoever about DAL. I
need a "Getting started with DAL" sort of thing.
Also, what is ODBC? APDA doesn't know, but I did discover that
Apple has a beta out of "DAL 1.4 Client Dev. Kit" that has ODBC
support. So, what is Open Database Connectivity, who sells it,
and what's the connection to DAL?
Thanks in advance for answering beginner's questions. If you
think there's interest, you can respond to the digest. If I
get a handfull of responses, I'll post a summary.
Jay Cross Cross Resources (216) 286-8282
HyperCard development, Macintosh user training, DTP
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 20:16:01 EST
From: AHUNTER@CCVM.sunysb.edu
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #224
At work, the baseline machines are a couple of decrepitated 8088-based
PeeCees, with outliers being my accelerated Mac and my boss's 486-DX
Windows-runner, both of the latter two running a lot of plain old DOS
programs for the sake of inter-machine compatibility. With 40 MHz of
68030 to run SoftPC in, my DOS is faster than the IBM-compatible relic
but I often run into time-consuming snags due to the lack of a 5-1/4 in.
drive, which many of the folks still use. This situation is likely to
endure for awhile...at least enough so that my efficiency would be up-
graded if I had my own 5-1/4 disk drive. The Mac in question was born
an SE, so it has an officially designated Floppy Port as well as a SCSI
port, but no NuBus. I haven't seen any ads for a 5-1/4 inch drive for
the Mac lately. Anyone know of such an odd beastie, and how much it'd
cost to plug it in?
PS-I'm also interested in an inter-platform database program that can
import and export damn near everything that's even remotely databaselike.
Me, I just limp along with FileMaker Pro and as far as I know they don't
make a DOS edition. Other than the ability to eat and burp forth Excel,
SYLK, 1-2-3, Champion (accounting spreadsheet), Multiplan (yeah, anyone
remember Multiplan?), and other thingies that one does with data, we are
not interested in the kitchen sink included edition of databasehood, just
the databasics.
-Allan Hunter
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 09:11:58 -0500 (EST)
From: "Michael A. McGuire" <mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #226
In Article <9311171502.AA17876@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>,
info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) wrote:
>Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 00:40:46 -0500
>From: "Keith E Gatling" <kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu>
>Subject: Offline Newsreader for the Mac?
>After having spent who knows how much time tying up the phone line by
>reading netnews from home, I was wondering if there's any kind of program
>out there that will let me do it offline. You know, something that I can
>set up for the two newsgroups I read, and will download all the stuff
>through a regular modem (2400) connection so I can read the stuff offline,
>compose my responses offline, and then log back on and upload my responses
>at a later time while still allowing other people in the house to use the
>* kgatling@mailbox.syr.edu I've got plenty of opinions. Just ask my wife!
VersaTerm and VersaTerm-PRO both come with VersaTerm Link whose news reader
will allow you to read the news offline. You can get VersaTerm Link
separately in the VersaTilities package.
Synergy Software
2457 Perkiomen Ave.
Reading, PA 19606
(215) 779-0522 Fax: (215) 370-0548
Internet: maxwell@sales.synergy.com
Michael A. McGuire,
UTCC - User Services
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 16:45:49 -0500
From: Michael Sullivan <msullivan@carib.vf.ge.com>
Subject: Laserwriter Printing Problem
I have a perplexing printing problem here in a large networks of macs. Some
files will not print properly on some laserprinters; however, the same file
will print fine on other laser printers. The same image (copied via
clipboard or other means) will print properly with the relatively ancient
Pagemaker 3.01. I have narrowed the problem down to the graphics programs
MacDraw II and Powerpoint 3.1. The Laserwriter returns the error: "Postscript
error - offending command 'imagemask'". The succesful print invokes
(important if it is related to the problem) "TrueType Scaler" and then prints
the file fine on a diferent Laserwriter. One additional hint: MacDraw did
print fine to a suspect laserwriter before the graphic object was resized.
After resizing the error 'imagemask' was reported. The graphic object is a
TIFF file. Help anyone?
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 22:48:58 -0500 (EST)
From: Ephraim Fithian <fithian@acad.csv.kutztown.edu>
Subject: LW 8.1.1 & IIsi
I installed LW 8.1.1 in place of 8.0 on a IIsi last week and could not
print. The process of auto-selecting the printer PPD file (IIg) gives the
result "cannot find LaserWriter IIg."
The LaserWriter IIg has the v2010.113 roms with 8 MB. The IIsi has an
Asante 10BaseT ethernet card in the PDS, and has AppleTalk selected in the
Network control panel; 9MB, coprocessor on split card (you know what I
mean). Running 7.1 with HW 2.01, nothing very exciting in the init arena,
Switching back to 8.0 solved the problem, but why?
Ephraim Fithian
Kutztown University of PA
Date: 18 Nov 1993 08:35:59 +0100 (MET)
From: EICKHOFF@dornier.de
Subject: Mac Curve Fit
in one of the last digests someone posted a message on a program called
MacCurveFit and posted the location on the listserv. I tried to download it
the server couldn't find it.
Can anyone please tell me the actual location of MacCurveFit and the actual
Jens Eickhoff
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 14:20:21 +0100
From: Cas Meijer <cas@FenK.WAU.NL>
Subject: MacTCP and wierd subnet mask (R)
>Subject: MacTCP and wierd subnet mas
> RE:MacTCP and wierd subnet mask
> 16/11/93 3:39 PM
>I have an interesting problem with MacTCP at my site. We have a class B
>and Macs that use MacIP and server assigned addresses behind Cayman
> The setup is pretty garden variety, except for one thing: our subnet mask is
> (11 bits of subnet, 5 bits of node). The problem first
>when it became apparent that some nodes outside our LAN were unreachable via
> After some midnight packet-watching, and such, I discovered that MacTCP is
>*broadcasting* to any address with the last 5 bits set.
This is correct you should have a gateway installed with a adress within
your subnet, so with the frist 11 bits the same, that does the routing to
nodes outside of your subnet. The adress of the gateway can be entered in
the MacTCP dialog box. It work very well here
This is default TCP/IP behaviour.
I don't know much about gateways or stuff like that but you local network
or system administrator should be albe to help you on this.
Cas Meijer
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 09:46:24 PST
From: rbhumbla@ames.UCSD.EDU (Ravinder Bhumbla)
Subject: MacUser/Macworld/MacWEEK indexes
And for those who have access to WAIS, you can use the tidbits index
at think.com to access old issues of Tidbits. It is a really
excellent index to these Mac magazines. Thanks Adam.
I include below the source for the index, macintosh-tidbits.src. You
can alternately access it via gopher (using the WAIS gateway at UMN)
or by directly telnetting to a wais site (I think quake.think.com,
login wais, is one though I am not sure).
:version 3
:ip-address ""
:ip-name "cmns-moon.think.com"
:tcp-port 210
:database-name "TIDB"
:maintainer "bug-public@think.com"
"Tidbits electronic magazine for the Macintosh.
Available through the Connection Machine WAIS server"
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- tisk@tidbits.com
----- End Included Message -----
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 18:53:47 EST
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Naming LC475 Hard Drive (A)
On Mon, 15 Nov, we got this from Baruch_Sienna@magic-bbs.corp.apple.com
>I have a new LC475 and am unable to rename the hard drive.
>File sharing is off; I've tried booting with extensions off
>and even from a floppy. Balloon help says, this icon cannot be renamed-
>but doesn't say why. Is it possible that the computer that I can
>customize everything from the startup screen to the alert sound can't be
>personalized? If you could solve this conundrum, I would appreciate it.
Baruch, do you exist? Not according to our DNS. Host unknown. And if you
work for Apple, why are you asking us in the first place? I suspect that
your "apple.com" address is at best spurious.
Uh uh, guy. Get real. I for one am implementing a firm policy of not
answering any questions from people who do not properly identify who
they are. Anonymity is appropriate and understandable for folks who
deal with alt/binaries/dirty_pictures (or whatever that newsgroup is
called), but it has no place here.
Had you been a good person and given a valid name and address, I'd have
told you to snag a copy of "disk/unlock-folder.hqx" from the archives.
But since you didn't, I won't.
Do I really need to stick a <grin> in here? Oh good. I didn't think so.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 17:24:41 +0000
From: Fearghas McKay <fearghas@challis.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Offline Newsreader for the Mac?
>After having spent who knows how much time tying up the phone line by
>reading netnews from home, I was wondering if there's any kind of program
>out there that will let me do it offline. You know, something that I can
>set up for the two newsgroups I read, and will download all the stuff
>through a regular modem (2400) connection so I can read the stuff offline,
>compose my responses offline, and then log back on and upload my responses
>at a later time while still allowing other people in the house to use the
MacSlurp 1.5 will do the job, available from sumex and unmich. You also
need ToadNews and either rnMac or The News.
Hope this helps
Date: 18 Nov 1993 08:28:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: preparing a mac for sale
Date sent: 18-NOV-1993 08:26:18
A quick check of the archive gopher at umich turned up the following files
that should really, really erase your harddrive:
4. delete.hqx 91-02-02 6K <HQX>
8. flamefile1.38.cpt.hqx 93-09-14 27K <HQX>
15. obliterate1.1.cpt.hqx 92-04-25 30K <HQX>
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 10:45:44 EST
From: Ken Pogran <pogran@BBN.COM>
Subject: Preparing a Mac for sale (A)
A couple of days ago I asked what should be done to permanently
remove one's own stuff from a hard disk before selling the Mac.
There's a pretty strong consensus in the replies I've received:
1. Re-format the disk, using my favorite reformatting tool.
(OK; this is the factory-installed Apple HD and I don't own
anything else, so I'll use Apple's HD tools.)
2. Re-install the system software. (Recommended by some even if
I weren't wiping the disk, because the purchaser might not
appreciate my preferences for things, the selection of fonts,
DA's, etc. that I've added and deleted, and so on;
re-installing will set everything back to the defaults.)
Right now I feel a little foolish for asking; with a little more
thought I SURELY would have figured this out for myself.
Thanks, info-mac!
Ken Pogran
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 16:23:22 MET
From: Christian F. Buser <CBUSER@EZINFO.vmsmail.ethz.ch>
Subject: Preparing Mac for sale (R)
Ken Pogran <pogran@BBN.COM> asked:
>I'm going to be selling my old Mac (a venerable 5 1/2-year-old SE with a
>20MB drive, if it matters), and I'd like to wipe the disk clean before I
>sell it so that my old tax returns, poison pen letters, etc. aren't
>retrievable by someone using disk recovery software. Of course, I'd like
>to leave a fresh copy of a system (6.0.whatever) on the HD as a courtesy
>to the purchaser.
>How should I go about doing this?
I think even if you completely "erase" the drive (from the "Special"
menu), it deletes only the catalog information, and the data is still
intact. But if you - say, with Silverlining, or HD Toolkit - reformat the
drive, it should no longer be recoverable.
If you own MacTools (and I think, also Norton can do this), there is a
possibility to completely erase all info and write a pattern of 0s or 1s
to the drive.
I remember having seen a utility called "Flame File" or "File Flame" or
so, must be shareware or even free - just try to dig in the archive. It
must have been in the last 1 or 2 months.
I personally would even re-install System 6.0x from the installer disks,
since some apps use "Preference"-files and the like in a system folder,
and these sometimes contain more info than only the High-scores of your
favourite games.
Best regards, Christian. cbuser@ezinfo.vmsmail.ethz.ch
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 17:31:39 -0600
From: "Joshua/Kalzone" <coljos@homer.bethel.edu>
Subject: Quicken updates (R)
> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 93 15:15:10 PDT From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C.
> Engst) Subject: Quicken updates
I wanted
> to find out people's experiences with getting updates - do you have
> to name the secret bug to get the update or can you just call and
> say "I've got release 2 - can you send me release 4 since I know
> it's out?"
> Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor
Thanks VERY much for working with TidBITS, I enjoy it immensely!
I am a registered Quicken user and have been for about 3-4 years. My
experiences with updates on *releases* (not new versions like
Quicken 3 -> Quicken 4) is that the update is yours for the asking as a
registered user. In my circumstance I needed an update that would let me use
tax import, so they sent it free. I think that they would be smart only to
the updates to people who actually need it (that will keep their costs down
subsequently the cost of their products reasonable).
Joshua B. Colglazier Kalzone on AlexMUD
coljos@homer.bethel.edu 4000
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 22:28:34 -0500 (EST)
From: Ephraim Fithian <fithian@acad.csv.kutztown.edu>
Subject: Quicken update to v.4
I was really anxious to get my update to Quicken 4 v2 to v4 that I used my
America Online account to get to Intuit. I typed the keyword "Intuit" and
was presented with 6 choices, including technical support and customer
service. So far, so good. But ..... no matter what I clicked on, I got the
Anyone know how to email Intuit?
Ephraim Fithian
Kutztown University of PA
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 18:03:38 GMT
From: beser@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu (Nick Beser)
Subject: Quicktime Algorithm Description
I am teaching a data compression class at Johns Hopkins University, and I
would like to include Quicktime as a video compression method in my lecture.
there a document or reference on the net that describes QuickTime?
Dr. Nicholas Beser
Johns Hopkins University
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 16:41:07 +0000
From: bellverc@pereiii.uji.es
Subject: Serial port tool (Q)
Hello. I need a mac program that can read data entering the serial port and
dump it to a file. Does anybody know such a tool?
Please send me any info to the following e-mail address: <bellverc@si.uji.es>
Thanks in advance.
Carles Bellver <bellverc@si.uji.es>
Universitat Jaume I (SPAIN)
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 09:45:19 -0230
From: "Michael Coyne, Memorial Univ." <mcoyne@kean.ucs.mun.ca>
Subject: StyleWriter I with StyleWriter II cartridge?
Can someone please tell me whether it's possible to use a StyleWriter II
ink cartridge on the original StyleWriter? Thanks.
Michael Coyne
Grenfell College
Memorial University
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 10:28:55 -0500
From: norm@helix.nih.gov (Norm Friedman)
Subject: Sumex down?
When trying to ftp today, I get the message that "host cannot be found"
Is sumex down?
[I can connect from Chicago right now (10:30am on nov 17th)... -Gordon]
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 20:23:56 GMT
From: jrthibault@campus.ulaval.ca (J.-Robert Thibault)
Subject: The Archivist version 4.1
Hi all
I programmed a document database with a support of the Apple Canada
Education Foundation and Apple Canada Inc. It is a Hypercard database
that can hold small or rather large documents, the limitation being the
size of your hard drive.
It can be considered as an electronic binder than can multiply itself
to form new binders for your own purposes. With it is attached a small
read me type text file. This document database must
be used on a Macintosh with a monitor starting from 480 pixels by 400
pixels or anyone bigger than that. HyperCard version 2,1 or more recent
must be used accordingly with its Home file. HyperCard must be
partitioned to 2 megs RAM or bigger. The new 4.1 version is PowerBook
The Archivist can be downloaded from the FTP site
>From the FTP site address sylva.for.ulaval.ca
or its equivalent I.P. address
You must log as Anonymous and use no password.
You will first see a partition named "Dossier public" which stands for
Public folder.
This FTP site is French Canadian but The Archivist and related files
are in English although you can retrieve its French counterpart
You will also find an Archivist file named HomeBrew & Archivist and
another one named Sumex-Aim documentation. Both can be considered as
3-ring binders loaded of several Ks of goodies. They are located in a
folder named "Divers" which means Miscellaneous
The Archivist is also distributed from Stanford University SUMEX-AIM
ftp site in the /Text domain.
The Archivist will be of great help for:
any students preparing a thesis
bibliographic purposes
archiving programming stuff
archiving Binhex stuff
archiving valuable informations downloaded from billboards
archiving your Email data
for teachers in distributing informations to their students.
Archivist import ASCII text files. You can type in it. You can merge
several Archivist files. You can mark pages, etc....
And YES, it is an easy application with its built-in help support.
Happy archiving!
J.-Robert Thibault
Dept of forest sciences
Faculty or forestry and geomatic
Laval University
Quebec Canada G1K 7P4
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 17:31:57 -0500
From: refried@gibbs.oit.unc.edu (Howard M. Fried)
Subject: Utilities to make Apple Menu hierarchical
I have a teeny (14K) extension called Magic Apple that makes the Apple Menu
hierarchical (e.g., an alias of a folder in the Apple Menu Items explodes
to show another box with the contents of the folder, etc.). Unfortunately
Magic Apple and Eudora don't get along.
I know there are many similar utilities to do the same thing but I've had
trouble for days connecting to Archie and Veronica and when I do I can't
seem to find what I want.
I'd be grateful for the names of utilities or extensions to try in place of
Magic Apple.
Many thanks.
Howard M. Fried
Department of Biochemistry
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"The Southern Part of Heaven"
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 23:27:50 EST
From: Mike.Alexander@um.cc.umich.edu
Subject: Windows off the screen
> Date: Mon, 15 Nov 93 09:39:11 MST From: "Roger B. Marks"
> <marks@central.bldrdoc.gov> Subject: off-screen windows
> What's the best way to get windows back on screen when the title bar is
> off screen? I seem to keep getting stuck in this rut when I change
> monitors or hard drives.
There are a couple of FKEYs that help with this problem. I have one called
ResetWindow which moves the front window (whatever ap it belongs to) to the
upper left corner of your main screen. I don't recall where I got it
There is also a very similar FKEY in the Info-Mac archives that moves the
front window to wherever the mouse is located (or at least that's what it
appears to do looking at the code, I haven't tried it). It's in
Mike Alexander mta@umich.edu
University of Michigan
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 1993 00:30:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: "J. David Stradley" <stradley@ac.wfunet.wfu.edu>
Subject: z-modem tool
Is there a shareware z-modem tool for the CTB. If so, where can I get it?
J. David Stradley
<stradley@ac.wfu.edu> or
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 93 17:16:25 EST
Hi, Mac Users...
Has anyone, besides me, experienced HyperCard bombing out on the new
Centris/Quadra 660AV? I can't seem to pin point when it happens and
it doesn't happen every time. As near as I can determine it happens
most when you are closing/saving a script by pressing the ENTER
The bomb says: 'Math co-processor not installed'
End of Info-Mac Digest